last hours of being a teen


Written on 12/11/2008 03:05:00 AM by Kit Leong

I'm writing this blog in desperation to finish it quick,the race against time.I wanted to write a blog entry while I'm still a teen.Many people may not know this,though they wished me at 12am today =p;I'm still not 20 yet,I'm still 19,at least up till 3.33am today,which is in about 20 minutes from now.Thats the exact time i was born 20 years ago.Damnit I always find it so hard to find time to write.Honestly,I have HELL alot to write every single day either on my blog or in my diary,I have lots of inspiration to write being the 'crazy nut' I am.Everything around me inspires me to write something,ANYTHING,even if its nonsensical shit,NYAH HAHAHAHAHA.The next time i write an entry,I'm already 20.Good bye teenhood.So ends my life as a teenager,my teens were never that memorable and nothing really great happened.To all who knows me personally,you sure as hell know what I'm talking about =p.I had a fantastic childhood and I really enjoyed it thinking back.My teenage life didn't suck.It was just,well,no 'kick'.Guess I'll have to make it up for in my adult years.Many more years await me(provided I don't die from cancer prematurely or get run over by a bus or something).So yea,I'll see to it my adult life is a blast,and whenever I feel it isnt,I'll always look back at this blog entry to remind myself of the promise I made to myself.LOL!Age 13-19,bye bye forever,I'll still miss 'you' forever,though 'you' were never that great,'you' will always be a part of me,or at least WERE a part of me.LOL!fuck la i damn cheong hei about this,good bye already.geez.HAHA =D

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